Day by Day cartoon

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

John F'n Kerry wasn't in Cambodia

And here's what seems to me to be an obvious proof that not enough folks have considered. Its from John Podhoretz at the NY Post and I found it through Little Green Footballs.
Consider the history. In 1973, Kerry was a leader of the anti-war movement. That same year, the American Left went nuts when the Nixon administration admitted it had secretly invaded Cambodia in 1969 and 1970 to roust out Communist fighters.

It's hard to overstate just how big an issue this was in 1973. Cambodia was officially a neutral country, and it was the contention of the anti-war movement that any movement across Cambodia's borders constituted a violation of international law.

If Kerry is to be believed, then this leader of the anti-war movement remained silent in 1973 when he could have spoken out about how he was ordered to violate Cambodian neutrality as early as 1968. Which is why Kerry is not to be believed on this matter.
It seems pretty obvious to me based upon his other noted proclivity to speak out against the war that Kerry would have been at the front of the horde railing against America's incursion into Cambodia. If he had thought up the story before 1973, he would have been shouting the loudest. Kerry's silence too strongly suggests that he had not yet conceived his "Christmas in Cambodia,"
war-hero story.

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